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NBC Area Manager To Jump From 12,000 Feet for Charity

NBC Area Manager To Jump From 12,000 Feet for Charity

NBC Area Manager, Simon Collins, with harris hawk

At NBC Bird & Pest Solutions we are extremely committed to supporting worthwhile causes, events and local charities.

Simon Collins, area manager of our Norwich and Ipswich branches, is taking part in a charity sky dive for East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) on the 18th of August 2012 in Beccles, Suffolk.

The sky dive is a chilling 12,000 feet free-fall. 2 miles high and securely harnessed to his sky diving instructor Simon will experience the ultimate rush as he jumps from the aircraft and free-falls for the first mile before the instructor opens the parachute.

EACH supports families and cares for children and young people with life-threatening conditions across Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk. They provide care and support wherever the family wishes – in families own homes, in the community or at one of their hospices in Ipswich, Milton and Quidenham.

Monies raised by Simon and all the NBC Bird & Pest Solutions team will help to raise much needed funds to help improve the lives of suffering families and help enhance their quality of life.

The funds raised by Simon’s sky dive will help the charity to provide:

  • Short break care
  • Specialist play activities
  • Music therapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Care at end of life
  • Bereavement support for all family members

The charity needs to raise £4 million per year in donations to deliver their services. Without YOUR help they may not raise the much needed funds to carry on helping suffering families. Please show your support for this charity by donating as much as you can afford whether it is £1 or £100 the charity needs our help and any donation big or small will be greatly received.

You can show your support online at the NBC EACH Charity Donations page.

 Registered Charity Number: 1069284

NBC Bird & Pest Solutions,

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