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The Kestrel Nest Box Challenge

The Kestrel Nest Box Challenge

Kestrel Nest Box Challenge 13th-14th October 2012

Our network technicians, as well as being bird control experts, are also keen falconers and wildlife enthusiasts. It was no surprise when many expressed an interest in The Hawk Conservancy Trust’s ‘Nest box Challenge’ so NBC just had to get involved!

What’s the ‘Nest Box Challenge’?

The nest box challenge is a project to help the wild Kestrel whose numbers have declined by 20-25% and continue to do so. The aim of the project to raise funds to establish the effects of nest box availability on the declining Kestrel populations then, once that is understood, to put conservation measures in place to help restore the Kestrel population.

The project aims to raise £50,000 to enable the installation of 106 nest boxes over 2 days (13th & 14th October) in Hampshire and West Sussex.

Who’s involved?

The Hawk Conservancy Trust is co-ordinating the project funding using and volunteers. Chris Packham (from BBC’s Springwatch) is founding member of the Hawk Conservancy Trust and will be hosting the nest box installation days.

There will be 10 teams of 5 people each day and NBC will have one team volunteering and is donating £2,500 towards the study funding. Once installed, the nest box productivity will be monitored by members of the Hawk Conservancy Trust with young kestrels being ringed and the results of the project reported over the next four years.

We’ll keep you updated on our fundraising and all the project updates so bookmark this page!

The Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)

Often seen next to roadways, perched on telephone poles looking out for prey, the Kestrel’s natural habitat is usually moors, heath, farmland and urban areas. The Kestrel is listed as amber status due its numbers declining since the 1970’s. The decline has been caused by changes in farming but the Kestrel has adapted to man-made environments and have been known to live in cities.

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