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Rodent Control Problems in Norwich

Rodent Control Problems in Norwich

Nusiance Rat sitting on a flower pot

NBC Bird & Pest Solutions' Norwich Pest Control branch was called in to a newly built residential development in Norwich after rats were reported around the various bin stores. Rats were found to be using these bin stores as ideal shelter from the cold and as they also had an easy meal source in the waste bins.

After carrying out a full site survey, NBC identified there were house keeping issues that needed addressing to restrict the food source available to the rats before they could install a fully comprehensive baiting program to eradicate the problem.

External baiting boxes were placed in key locations around the bin stores and after subsequent follow up visits every three to four days the problem was resolved within a few weeks. A regular visit schedule was drawn up to monitor the bin stores and prevent any further infestation.

If you are experiencing rodent problems or require pest control or bird control of any type, contact your local experts now on (Norwich Branch) or freephone our national helpline on . Alternatively you can find your local branch online.


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