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Falconry Response

What is falconry response?

Our falconry response programmes create a visual deterrent, letting the nuisance birds know that the area is no longer safe. Our trained hawks and falcons are effective at deterring seagulls, pigeons and also ground nesting birds such as skylarks and lapwings. The presence of a hawk or falcon quickly makes an area undesirable to smaller birds and encourages them to establish a new pattern of behaviour.

What are the benefits of falconry response?

Bird scaring using falconry response is ideal for:

  • A natural method of bird control utilising nature's instincts
  • Clearing large sites of nuisance bird populations
  • Operating in urban areas where proofing methods are unsuitable – shopping centres, flats and city centres
  • Preventing nuisance bird populations from roosting or nesting on brownfield or greenfield sites before development begins to avoid costly delays

Why use falconry response as bird control instead of proofing?

Sometimes bird proofing isn't an option. The building may be listed or the size of the building could make proofing impractical, but this is something that can be determined during your free survey. You may have nuisance birds in an open area, such as a landfill or farmland, where proofing is just not possible. This is when we would use falconry response as an extremely effective method of control.


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